I am on the job market, looking for a position as a researcher or consultant in privacy/security in Oslo, NO.
Victor Morel holds a PhD in computer science from Inria - Privatics. His research interests include privacy and data protection, networks security, usability and Human-Computer Interactions, applied cryptography, and ethics of technology in a broad manner. He appreciates sober, hackable, and accessible technology that works.
He is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Security & Privacy Lab at Chalmers University of Technology on usable privacy for IoT applications. He is also a selected member of the EDPB’s support pool of experts.
Besides his academic activities, he is a member of FELINN’s collegiate council, a French non-profit (``association loi 1901’’) defending decentralization, privacy, and free software through popular education.
Qualification Maître de Conférence (MCF) Section 27 (computer science), 2022
PhD in Computer Science, 2020
INSA de Lyon - Inria
Master Thesis, 2016
Uppsala University
Engineer Degree, 2016
Polytech' Lyon
CoIoT is a project to manage consent in the IoT. It takes the form of an Android app enabling the definition of data subject privacy policies to automatically interact with IoT devices according to the user’s choices.
CyberSecIT will develop a practical, secure and privacy-enhancing solution regaining control for end-users and companies over their IoT ecosystems while enjoying all the benefits that come from automated data analysis and autonomous privacy-preserving security monitoring.
Map of Things is a map to visualize devices in the smart city collecting personal data, please mail me for comments or feature request.
Program Co-Chair IWPE 2025 (former PC member).
Program Committee Member PoPETS 2023-2025.
External Reviewer PoPETS 2021-2022.
Program Committee Member and session chair IFIP Summer school 2023.
I also do external reviews for venues such as S&P, WWW, ESORICS, etc.
At Chalmers, I teach:
I used to teach in:
I also supervise master theses, 6 successful defenses so far, 2 in process, and 3 more planned, on topics spanning over applied cryptography, web security, privacy measurements (cookie paywalls), and privacy engineering.
At UGA (2020), I taught a full-time duty in Databases (fr and en).
At Insa de Lyon (2016-2019), I have taught:
At Uppsala University (2016), I was a teacher assistant in Database Design I (en).